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Best Mail Order Deals ever offered! Check them out and email a request the Hilton Mailmarketing Ad-Mag!

To order any of the offers below, Send cash, check or money-order to the address below. Or, use your visa/mastercard. Just push the order button under any item that you wish to purchase.

AMAZING OFFER: Send 30 - 33 cent stamps, plus (6) six one inch camera ready ads or (6) six 35 word classified ads (ads can be the same or different) to be inserted for (6) six months in the Master Mailer's Memo! 1,000 Circulation by bulk mail plus 100 First Class! Receive (6) six checking copies! You won't find a better, more affortable vehicle to advertise your Mail Order offer in!
Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

PUT YOUR 100 WORD AD HERE... On my Discounted Specials Page for 2 months! Just 5.00 ! Results GUARANTEED, or will run your ad for another month, FREE!
Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

EXTRA INCOME! Sell your junk mail! Get cash for all of those unwanted offers you receive everyday! Send 2 First Class stamps for information.
Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

MAILORDER CIRCULAR DESIGN AND TYPESETTING! Let me design your flyer for a professional look! Send 300 words or less and I will typeset two different designs for you! Pick out the one you like best, or use them both! Send your ad-copy along with 5.00!
Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

LIKE MAGNETS? Put your 40 word message on a set of 10 magnets for only 10.00 ! These high quality magnets are in full color! Give them away or hand them out = FREE ADVERTISING! Order today!
Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

DO YOU NEED A ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF MAIL ORDER REPORTS TO SELL? If so, I will send you 25 of the best "How to" information reports all with reprint/resale rights issued to you in your name or business name for only 10.00! You can than resell at whatever price you wish!
Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

Guaranteed visitors to your web site!


INCREDIBLE DEAL! Your name and address listed on 8,000 different mailing lists. Get prepared for your mailbox to be crammed full of all the latest offers, publications, samples, big mails, etc. With this offer, you will always be informed on what's new in Mail Order! FREE dealership included. Keep $ 5 on every order, the prime source fills for the stamps! TO CASH IN ON THIS OFFER, Send $ 5 and 5 F/C stamps to: KATHY MELVIN - 141 Old Orange Park Rd. #69, Orange Park, FL 32073

FREE DEALERSHIP! Earn Money From Home! Pay us nothing - not now, not EVER! Dealership is permanent as long as you want it. You can receive commissions for years. We are a legitimate company with a legitimate offer. Details LSASE. Lester Bilyou Sr. (Dept. HMM) - 10 Parallel St., Norwalk, CT 06850. Established 1949.

THE BEST OF BIG MAIL: Make more money than you thought possible with mail order prgrams. Just request a sample mailing now to: G.D.C. Mail Service - POB 606 Dept. WEB-0623, Fisk, MO 63940

Your 8 1/2 x 11 Flyers (pre-printed) mailed FIRST CLASS! (200) - 8.00, (500) - 15.00, or (1000) - 25.00! Your 8 1/2 x 11 flyers printed and mailed in black and white only (one-sided) for 35.00 per 1,000, 70.00 per 2,000, 90.00 per 3,000, 125.00 per 5000, 200.00 per 10,000, or 250.00 per 20,000. Camera ready B/W only, checking copy sent, personal checks must clear! Irwin L. Alex - 109 Venus, Suite VH101, Winter Haven, FL 33884-2489

Gold & Silver coin programs! We have the best to help you accumulate coins & cash in a hurry. Plus we build your downlines for you! Send $1.00 for your info. pak to: Sha-Kia Enterprises - PO Box 42305, Fayetteville, NC 28309

Special Offer: Your name and address on a 3 line rubber stamp. Only 5.00 ppd. Send LSASE for complete list of rubber stamps to: James Estes - 50011 Camp Cemetery Rd., Aberdeen, MS 39730

Unloading my 60 plus years of Foreign Stamp Collection. Trading a good mixture of 400 Worldwide off paper for (6) 33 cent stamps. Bonus: (2) Wheat pennies with each order. Send order to: Christopher P. Zazakos - 950 Devon Spring Court, Charlottesville, VA 22903

FREE BIG MAIL! Several money-making & dealership offers. Just send a LSASE to: Mike Silberg - 19 Mt. Vernon St. #2, Somerville, MA 02145

Low on Stamps?

Best Freebies

Virginia Hilton Mail Marketing
3699 McKee Road
Dover, Delaware
19904 U.S.A.

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